This bag and matching clutch are stunning! This is the lowest price I’ve seen on them!
Vegan Leather Handbags and Clutch for only $24.95 Shipped (Regularly $79.95) *Use code PERFECTGIFT for this price! The code ends 11/28.
These gorgeous bags feature simple, sleek designs that virtually go with anything in your wardrobe (and life). Made with the highest quality vegan leather, each comes with a chic matching clutch so you can carry your essentials in style. You can use these bags as an everyday accessory, a laptop bag, a night out companion, or even a small overnight bag. And they’re here just in time for the gift-giving season! Just don’t forget to gift one to yourself! 😉 Leather bags like these are really on trend right now and usually retail over $200 at other places.
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Style Tips
*Get colorful! These handbags are the perfect neutral accessory to pair with any colorful ensemble.
*Dress up casual wear. Combine cozy essentials (like scarves and sweaters) with ladylike accessories (like your favorite pearls) and your new handbag.
*Make your neutral toned bag stand out by wearing a mostly black or white outfit.
*Pair your bag with whatever you want! That’s the beauty of these handbags; they make anything in wardrobe look good.