Wow! It has been over 5 weeks since I posted last on my weight loss journey. Time sure flies when you are posting deals like a crazy woman! Phew. Well, things are slowing down a little. Christmas is right around the corner. And I need to report!
Admit it, you thought I fell off the band wagon. I gave in and ate a bunch of junk over Thanksgiving, right?! You know you thought it. Why wouldn’t you, since I haven’t posted since Nov 14th, the logical conclusion would be that I am off my diet. Nope! The holiday’s are here and I am Freaking Awesome! (If I do say so myself)
So with 5 weeks of catching up to do, they are going to be short and sweet. You are just going to get a few highlights.
Week 24: The week before Thanksgiving.
This week I geared up to be ready for the holidays. I told myself that I am strong and that I don’t need food to have a wonderful holiday season. Even on Thanksgiving. To prove it to myself and my family and friends I posted this on my Facebook page:
I meant to share it with you here before Thanksgiving as well. Well, I didn’t make it before Thanksgiving, but I made it before Christmas and the same statement applies. I don’t need to act irresponsibly when it comes to food just because it is a holiday. I don’t need to over indulge And this year, I don’t need to go off my plan. Being healthy is more important than any food that I could eat. ANY!
My scale broke the week before Thanksgiving so I didn’t get to weigh in. (Apparently it didn’t know what to do with readings under 200 pounds and so it just started reading in Kilograms. Ha!)
Week 25: Thanksgiving week!
Well, I did it! I enjoyed Thanksgiving with my family and didn’t eat anything that I shouldn’t. In fact, I didn’t eat any sugar or carbs at all! WHAT!! How is that possible?! I’m lying! Right? Nope, I just had turkey and some veggies at our Thanksgiving meal. I think my in-laws thought I was crazy! But then again, they are proud of me for loosing weight as well. So it is ok if I am a little crazy.
Since I bought my scale (I got it on Amazon. It is Awesome – Check it out HERE if you are in the market). I was able to weigh in. For week 24 & 25 I lost 8 pounds for a total of 74 pounds!!
Week 26: Was spent posting deals. I hope you all enjoyed them!
WOW!! What madness. I had so much fun, but was totally honest in my interview on KSL when I said that I didn’t sleep anymore. You can watch the full interview HERE.
Because of the the craziness, I forgot to eat, I forgot to drink my water, I didn’t sleep! Really! And the scale showed it. I didn’t loose any weight on week 26. Proof that even if you don’t eat crap, you won’t loose weight if you don’t take care of yourself.
Oh, and in case you are wondering…. No, I will NOT be wearing stripes again if I go on TV. Ugh! That is usually such a cute sweater…. Boo
Week 27 & 28: December! Bring on the Christmas Parties! AND my birthday!
The picture above is me with a bunch of my blogging friends at a Christmas party. Many people have asked me how I am going to continue to stay on my plan and diet through the holidays. Also, I made it through my birthday. How?
For me, it is easy. I have made the choice already! I have chosen to be happy and healthy over a moment of enjoyment with food. Back in June when I started this journey, it was MUCH harder. I had to think about it all the time. Every time I was confronted with sweets, or other unhealthy food, I had to walk myself through this internal conversation.
“Oh, I really want those, look how yummy they look.”
“Ok, that’s fine. But you have to answer one question first.”
“What do you want more? That food, or a healthy life? What do you want long term?”
“Well, of course I want to be healthy. I want to loose weight so I can play with my girls more. I want to feel better about myself. I want to be able to do what I want, when I want, and not have my weight hanging over my head.”
“So do you want that food?”
“No thank you.”
Seriously, that was my inner conversation for quite some time. Every time I was presented with something I really wanted I had to remind myself to think about what I REALLY wanted. Now I don’t have to do that. It just comes natural.
I also used to say “No, I CAN’T have that.” Now my answer is. “No, I’m fine.” or “No, I don’t want any, thanks.” Because it is true. I don’t want it. I want to be healthy. I want to live a better life.
{This year’s gingerbread house. I enjoyed the fun – not the food. I didn’t eat one piece of candy!}
You can do it too! Enjoy your holiday, but remember it doesn’t have to be completely about food! In fact, it isn’t about the food at all. It is about family, giving to others, and the joy of Christmas. Ultimately, you can enjoy the holiday without any of the traditional holiday food at all. Now, you don’t have to be as “hard core” as I am, but remember, you are doing this for you. For your family. And for your life. You aren’t alone. I’m doing it too! Have your slice of pie and stop at that. Enjoy the people, not the food!
Week 27 I lost 4 more pounds for a total of 77 pounds and in week 28 I lost 3 more pounds for a total of 80 pounds!!! I hit 80 pounds on my birthday! I couldn’t ask for a better birthday present than that!
Just for fun I decided to include a few pictures to help to continue to motivate you and me!
Before During….
Here’s one more that shows the transformation even a little bit better.
Photos taken by Chelsea Peterson Photography
Merry Christmas everyone! May your holiday be filled with health and happiness.
You are amazing, and look even better!! Great job girlie.
Thanks my friend!! 🙂 Love ya!
Wow! What an inspiration you are! Thank you for sharing your story!
Thanks Heather! I really appreciate your comment. It is hard to put yourself out there for the world to judge, but it has been so good too. I’m glad my journey is helping others. What an awesome reward!
I love reading your updates! You look sooooooo amazing! Congrats!!!!!
Thanks Emily! They really help me. I like writing them. They help me to remember how far I have come. 🙂 Thanks for your comment.
You look great! Congratulations of the lose so far!
Thanks Corrina! 🙂
Way to go, Becky! What an inspiration!
I just had a baby and am going through my own weight loss and blogging about it.
Also, I served a mission with Susan Jensen. She told me you are family.
Hi Kelli!! I’m so glad you commented! My mom told me about you. I think blogging about my weight loss has really helped me to stay on track. It has been such a blessing. I’m so glad you stopped by to say hi!
So inspirational, Becky! 2012 has been a tough year for me. I got sick in January through March. I put on a total of 30 lbs and it all went to my belly. A year ago, I was swimming a mile 3 to 4 days a week and was a size 10. Now I’m about a 16! 2013 has got to be better! Thanks for your post – you look so great!
2012 has turned out to be a very good year for me. I have had my struggles, but I think we come out better for them. I had to make some hard family decisions this year. I could have spiraled down and things could have gotten worse. But I chose to pick myself up and change for the better. It is a daily process, but one that I am grateful for.
Doing good. You look great!
Thanks Rebecca!
You amaze me! You’ve always been a beautiful woman but dang girl, you are lookin’ fine! More importantly, your body can keep up with your crazy schedule better too!
You know it Cynthia! It has been CRAZY!! I’m really looking forward to January. I didn’t realize how run-down I felt. Things are much better now. So much more energy. Now to just get some sleep…. 😉
Becky, you are amazing and inspiring! You look so good, as and it’s obvious in your eyes that you feel good! Keep up the good work my friend!!
Thanks Claudine! You are so sweet.
Becky I’m so impressed thanks for sharing your story! YOU are an amazing person. Way to get healthy.
Thanks Amber!