Thanksgiving Point Family Pass Giveaway and 4 Day Passes!

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Thanksgiving Point Giveaway

If you’ve been following our site for any length of time you know how much I LOVE Thanksgiving Point.  We have had some really fun giveaways in the past and we get to do it Again!!  Wahoo!

In honor of the opening of the new Museum of Natural Curiosity we are giving away a Family 4 Pack to Thanksgiving Point!!  Plus!  We have teamed up with a bunch of other wonderful bloggers to give aways a Annual Family Pass!  That’s right, TWO giveaways!

I’m so excited about the Museum of Natural Curiosity.  My family was lucky enough to get a sneak peak a week or so ago and my kids had a BLAST!  We can’t wait to get back!

Thanksgiving Point Museum of Natural Curiosity

We were greated by a little tiny door for the kids.  My girls thought it was the best!  They kept going in and out.  Ha!

Thanksgiving Point little door

Once we finally made it in, we found out that there are going to be 5 main exhibits at the Museum of Natural Curiosity.  My girls LOVED the Rainforest and Kidopolis!  They spent hours and hours in each one climbing, playing, and learning new things.


Thanksgiving Point Museum of NC

The new Museum of Natural Curiosity opens to the public on May 15th.  If you would like to go for free just enter our giveaways!  We have TWO.  The first is for four day passes to Thanksgiving Point.  The second is for a Family Season Pass!!  Make sure to enter them both.  Just follow the instructions on the Rafflecopters.

See you at Thanksgiving Point.  Good luck!


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Utah Sweet Savings