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If you love headbands and aren’t familiar with VeryJane, I encourage you to check it out! There are a ton of awesome headband deals on any given day.
The above Shabby Chevron and Polka Dot Headbands are just $4.99 and come in a large variety of colors. Shipping is $2.99 for the first item and $1.00 for each additional item.
Retro Style Fabric Headbands for $2.50. Available in Toddler, Youth, and Teen/Adult. Shipping is $2.00 for the first item and $0.25 for each additional item.
Customized Double Shabby Flower on Chevron or Glitter Headband for $3.50. Available in newborn, baby, child and adult. Shipping is $2.99 for the first item and $0.99 for each additional item.
Designer Beaded Headbands and Clips Blowout for $5.99. Includes a variety of styles and colors. Shipping is $2.25 for the first item and $0.00 for each additional item.