Want to win a year’s supply of Franz Bread? I know I do! We LOVE their bread at my house. In fact we had some of their new bagels last night! Oh yum!
Franz has a fun contest running on their facebook page. “How Do You Bagel?” They are giving away a year supply of Franz Bread to the winner of their contest. Just upload a digital photo and then have your friends vote on your photo. The winner will win a coupon book for 52 free loaves of bread! Sahweet!
As far as I can tell there are only two photos entered right now and one is mine! 😉 You got this!! I would LOVE it if a Utah Sweet Savings reader won. If you enter make sure to comment below with the link of your entry so we can vote for you.
- Head on over and upload your Photo HERE.
- Once your photo has been uploaded, make sure to share with your Facebook friends to have them vote.
- The photo with the most Facebook votes will win a year’s supply of Franz Bread.
- he photo contest runs from October 9 – October 30, 2013.
If you want to vote for mine just HEAD on over HERE to vote.
Entrants must be legal residents of: the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and California, (North of Chico). Entrants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of entering.