Here at Utah Sweet Savings we are always searching for the BEST deals out there! Whether it be a national deal on the web or a great deal here in Utah.
Finding cheap gas prices can be a torturous process of driving around from gas station to station in search of the lowest prices…which essentially causes you to waste more gas. We all know that gas prices are no longer considered cheap, but there are cheaper places than others to buy gas.
If you live or work near Farmington, in Davis County, I have found the BEST place to get gas. The Smith’s in Farmington has the lowest prices I have seen! Yesterday when I drove by it was $3.18/gal. It looks like it is going down every day. Awesome. I don’t know why, but their gas has been about $.20/gal cheaper than the other stations around, but I’m not complaining.
We would love it if you shared the best places you have found to get gas. We can all help each other save money. Where have you seen the best prices in Salt Lake and Utah Counties?
Here in the northern part of Utah County – the best deals I find on gas are typically either at Maverick or Smith’s Fuel Centers. I get my gas the most at the Smith’s Fuel Centers since you save even more money when earn rewards points shopping at Smiths:
So, I stock up on all the WOW deals at Smith’s and then fill up my gas tank for less!
I use Smith’s a lot too when I have a discount. I usually have my husband meet me at the pump so we can fill up both vehicles and get the maximum savings we can. When I don’t have a Smiths discount I also use the Common Cents Convenience store on 1600 N. in Orem. Sometimes they are a few cents cheaper than Smiths.