If you love Built Bars, like I do, be sure to take advantage of the Factory Seconds Sale! Hurry, the popular flavors will sell out quickly! I HIGHLY recommend the Cookies ‘N Cream Chunk Puff!!
To find this sale, click through this link and then click “shop now” on the banner at the top of the page.
Plus, use our code UTAHSWEET for another 10% off! Prices will be $18 – $19.80 per box of 12 bars, as low as $1.50/bar!
There are some of my favorites in this sale!! This is a great way to try out different flavors too.
Factory seconds are BUILT products that are almost perfect, but not entirely. Same amazing taste and texture, but not quite hitting their standards of size and weight. That’s it. And that’s why you get them at a sweet little discount … while quantities last.
Shipping is free on all orders.