Jeans! How often do you find a great deal on good looking Jeans – it’s not one of those “coupon” items that come along frequently, so this is a great deal to stock up with.
To make it even better, Target is one of those great stores that offers free shipping directly to your house in certain situations. One of those is “Daily Deals”. Today’s Daily Deal from Target is Mossimo jeans for $16 – buy one get one free. BUT if you add 4 pairs of jeans to your cart the price drops to $24 total – plus free shipping! Final Price = $6 / pair of jeans!
I bought these last time they had a sale on them and have loved mine – I’m so excited to stock up!
Make sure you order right away as this is only available TODAY, Monday. Thanks Savvy Sister!
I bought 6 pairs and I still got the $6 each price and free shipping!! Thanks!