Time to Conquer! Week 6: Mooning the Neighbors

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As I type this post I am washing my clothes in Hot water!  Eeeek!  What an interesting week it has been.

To cut to the chase, this week I lost 2.5 pounds!   But the BEST part about this week is realizing I am at least one size smaller in clothes than I was at the start of this journey.

Yes, my clothes are starting to fall off.  Literally!  Oh, my poor cousin…and the neighbors…

My cousin and I took our kiddos to a splash pad this week.  I was running late {as usual – I use to be on time before I had kids – really} and just grabbed some pants out of my closet.  I didn’t even think about it.  I mean really, it’s summer, and I wasn’t getting “dressed up” for the splash pad.

Weelllll…perhaps I should have paid a little bit better attention to my attire.  The pants that I grabbed hadn’t been warn since I started loosing weight 6 weeks ago.  And, apparently, I am a little bit smaller than I was back then.  I proceeded to spend the next three hours tugging and pulling my pants up while my cousin laughed at me and told me how awesome it was.  Hey, at least it was entertaining.  Love her!

This just happened to be Free Slurpie day at 7-11.  So after we went to the splash pad we cruzied by the VERY BUSY 7-11 to grab our free slurpies.  (no, I didn’t have one)  But, while climbing into my cousin’s SUV to buckle my kiddos in, I proceeded to moon the entire 7-11 parking lot.  (ok, I did have some underwear on…but still…)

So, tonight I am washing my clothes in HOT water.  It is really a public service.

I had no idea that my body would change so much with just 20 pounds gone.  Although, I can tell you, I am loving it!  I’ve decided that loosing weight slow and steady is the way to go.  I took my measurements before I started and decided that I would wait until 8 weeks to take my measurements again….   I can’t wait!  In the mean time, I will just continue shrinking clothes and hoping that I don’t moon anyone else.  I might be raiding the DI very shortly.  icon wink


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