Contact Us

Hi there!  Looking for a way to contact us?  We would love to chat with you about deals you might have seen, advertising, or questions you might have.

Shoot us an email at


  • Hi,
    I bought the seven peaks pass renewals from your site about a month ago when you had the deal going on and I never received the email to activate it or anything. Can you help me figure out how to get those so i can renew it on seven peaks website or whatever I need to do!? Thanks so much!

    • You purchased those through Groupon. We don’t sell anything here, we just share the deals with everyone. So you will need to contact Groupon, or log onto your Groupon account and the vouchers should be there. Hope that helps. 🙂

  • I tried to send you an email but it came back.

    We are bringing our 93 year old friend, Hila, up to Heber City on June 17 & 18th for her birthday.

    Do you have any discounts for those days? Especially for the train.

    • We actually don’t sell the tickets or offer the discounts. We just share about them when we find them. You might want to contact the railroad directly to see if they have anything. Sorry I can’t be more help.

  • Hi. There is no where on your emails to unsubscribe. I am going in for surgery and will be recovering for six weeks. I don’t want my email to be loaded down.
    Any way you can remove me?
    Thank you,

  • Are your blonde and brunette Baby Alive Baby go bye bye dolls still on sale. I am in canada and would be interested in purchasing one of each but I would like to know what the bottom line on both of them be. Can I get them mailed to Canada

    • I’m sorry we just share deals that we find. We don’t have any items in stock here. If you follow the link in the post, you can see if they are still available.

  • Hello.
    I own Utah Pyro Kings.I saw where you mentioned our coupon last year for our fireworks stand. Thank you and I would like to see if we can advertise out to your sphere of influence. Please call me at 801-888-6228 to discuss. Have a good weekend. Craig

  • We have a Spring Creek Patio Furniture set, Model # SUS582M-C. We need to order just the chair cushions. Can we do that? Please get back with me.
    Thank you!

    • Hi! We don’t sell products, we just direct you to sites where there are current deals on products. Good luck finding your cushions!

  • Hi, I’m interested in subscribing to the Standard Examiner with a four Sunday paper deal. I clicked a link for it but it took me to the Daily Herald. Can you please send me a link that would work or tell me how to go about that? Thanks so much!

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Utah Sweet Savings