Get 20% off Christmas Light Installation with Utah’s TaskEASY!

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We are in the full swing of Christmas shopping and it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet.  I feel like I’m always behind on getting up my Christmas decorations, especially the lights. We’ve already had several of you ask about holiday lights installation. So we want to introduce you to a great Utah company called TaskEASY that can help you out.

We have a special discount for our readers:  Get 20% off! Just use code UWGZD2 when you check out. 

TaskEasy makes it simple for homeowners to get professional Christmas lights installed by reputable local contractors. You just go online, enter your home address, get options and pricing, and pay. They will send a licensed contractor to complete the task. They handle all of the details so you don’t have to worry about it or try to make your husband do it. Also, you don’t have to worry about falling off the roof. Plus your lights will be perfectly spaced and just beautiful.

TaskEASY is a great option that is so easy. You get a price, schedule a time and pay online – basically consider it DONE:

It’s super easy to get professional lights put up. Here’s how: start on the home page at www.TaskEASY by putting in your home address and a task (choose Holiday Lighting):

You can get lights only (and install them yourself), installation only (if you already have lights), full service holiday lighting or request a call from a lighting specialist to discuss your project.

Then you choose the lighting options such as what parts of your home to light, the wire color and bulb colors:

taskeasys lightning
taskeasy lights

Then you pay and schedule a time. They send you reminder emails and photos of your home when they are there putting up your lights. You can log into your account at any time to see the progress or make changes.

When they take down your lights they will put them in a storage tote and they will be all nice and organized for next year. It’s also less expensive because you own the lights.

Make sure to take advantage of this Awesome deal!

TaskEASY is offering great deals right now. You can take the stress out of holiday lights, you won’t have to get on the roof, AND you will have the best-looking lights in the neighborhood. For 20% off! Just use code UWGZD2 when you check out. Be sure to check out their other deals right now too.


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Utah Sweet Savings