Another three weeks have come and gone since my last weight loss post. If you are new here, you can read all of my posts HERE.
Have you ever posted your weight on Facebook? Of course not! Who would do that? You would have to be CRAZY! Turns out, I’m Crazy! This week I posted my weight on Facebook.
But I’m getting ahead of myself….
Week 21 was a pretty normal week. I went about doing my normal thing. Trying to continue to think more positively about myself. I’m finding I actually do like myself more. Even though I have been frustrated by what I have done to myself in the past 10 years. I am learning that I can change things. I am helping myself now. It is never to late.
I was going through my closet and cleaning out my old clothes. I still had some that I was hanging on to. Clothes that made me feel “cute.” Yeah, I don’t need them anymore. I came across my “go to” pants. My jeans that I wore ALL THE TIME! I put them on and they are HUGE! I cried! I mean I really cried! Tears of joy for the progress I have made. Tears of sadness that I use to fit into those jeans just a few short months ago. Good Tears. I am keeping the pants. They are a reminder. I will never EVER go back. But it will be good to have a physical reminder.
Week 21 Total: I lost 3 pounds for a total of 61!
Week 22: Happy Halloween!
Yep, the start of the holiday season. Halloween and all the candy that comes with it. We didn’t hand out candy this year. Not one piece. It was GREAT! We handed out glow bracelets (or necklaces in the case of my girls). And little plastic rings. They were a success! I am sure some of the older kids were bummed about not getting more candy. But I was thrilled not to have any left over candy at the house.
After trick-or-treating I kept about 10 pieces of candy for each girl and sent the rest off with my husband to his classroom (he is a teacher at a Jr High for those who don’t know). It was great. Best part? No candy for me! I was a little sad that I didn’t get to eat the bread sticks and chile. A Halloween tradition. But I survived. One holiday down, two more to go!
Week 22 total: Down 2 pounds. Total 63. Ugh! Soooooo close to being under 200 pounds!
So, who posts their weight on Facebook (and instagram and twitter)? Apparently I do!
Week 23!! Yep, this was the week. The week I finally made it under 200 pounds and hit ONE-derland. I couldn’t help myself. I posted this picture for everyone to see. Now, I realize that most of you are under 200 pounds. So this may not seem like that big of a deal. You are thinking, “Oh My Gosh, I would NEVER post that on Facebook.” And you are right. But for me, this was HUGE!! I honestly can’t remember the last time I was under 200 pounds. It was probably the year I was married. 2001! Yep, 11 years ago. So yeah, I was (and still am) beyond thrilled. This was seriously one of the BEST.DAYS.EVER!!
I’m so excited, I have decided to throw myself a party! I am going to have a bunch of giveaways in honor of my weight loss and hitting this HUGE goal. So head on over HERE for the first giveaway. I am giving away MY FAVORITE THINGS.
My first one is a Kaboo Bag! I am madly in love with mine!
So, here is my final total for Week 23: Lost 3 pounds (one more since the photo was taken) for a total of 66 pounds!! Yep, I rock!
I just recently lost 100 lbs. and I was SO excited when I got to ONE-derland. 🙂 So, I completely understand why you posted your weight! It really is such an amazing journey~you are doing great and I love reading your weight loss posts. 🙂
I’m so incredibly proud of you. I totally did a happy dance a a big WAHOO for you when you posted your picture. Great job my friend
Congrats again on the weight loss. I am not that far behind you. I have lost a total of 58 pounds in the last 4 months and am so close to hitting ONE-derland also. My first mini goal for myself.
Such a big achievement! I need to lose 20 lbs and it feels overwhelming. I admire your strength!
So awesome! You look amazing and soooo much younger. You are just shinning, I love it 🙂
[…] My Favorite Things Giveaway continues! You can read all about why I am giving away some of my favorite things HERE. […]
[…] Have you heard? I am throwing myself a Party! Yep, I have lost 66 pounds and am now UNDER 200 POUNDS! You can read all about it HERE! […]
Congrats! I remember hitting the 1s in post-baby weight loss… It felt awesome!
I am so incredibly happy for you! You are so incredible!
I’m so proud of you girl!! you are amazing!! and you look soo good :)!!! I love following your journey!
Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!
[…] Want to learn more about why we are doing My Favorite Things Giveaways? Head on over to This Post. […]